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30 Day Back Report

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Win Bet Stats

No Win results to report.

Place Bet Stats

No Place results to report.

Please Note

We can not guarantee that future results will be the same. Our selections are based on sound principles, but there is always the chance that there will be a long run of loses. Please ensure that your betting strategy considers this likelihood. For example, betting a small percentage of your working Bank will reduce your "risk of ruin".

*  - .. means the ORIGINAL field size for the race was less than 8 starters and we are assuming a no 3rd place dividend return.
** - .. means the ORIGINAL field size for the race was less than 5 starters. This assumes a NO BET race with regards to place betting (irrespective if place dividends were paid).

++ Exchange SP means Betting Exchange Starting Price odds. If the race did not have Exchange SP odds, an estimate is made (Typically NZ racing and small race meetings). The estimate is made by extrapolating the Betting Exchange Back odds at 100% market (the exchange typically sets SP odds at a 100% market). If Back odds are not available, the Queensland Tote odds are used at a 100% market (however normally Exchanrge odds are available in some form). If no odds are available, then odds are set to ZERO. A place dividend is considered for 1st, 2nd and 3rd if the ORIGINAL field size was 8 starters or more (this is typically an Exchange's policy). If TAB place odds are being used, an adjustment is made for when the field is less than 8 but was originally 8 or more (2/3 of odds used).

Deadheats may not be reported correctly (ie results are recorded as 1st/2nd [in TAB order] not 1st/1st).

(The Premium tips "minimum number of starters rule and going rule" has been applied.)